The Revered but Rarely Worshipped Brahma: A Look at Hinduism’s Creator God

Snehashish Patra
2 min readFeb 8, 2023


As a central figure in Hinduism, Lord Brahma, also known as Brahma the Creator, is revered as the ultimate originator of the universe and all living beings. He is considered the first deity in the Hindu Trinity, along with Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, and holds a pivotal role in the creation and maintenance of the universe.

In Hindu mythology, Lord Brahma is depicted as having four heads and arms, each bearing a sacred object, with a swan as his mount, symbolizing purity and knowledge. He is closely tied to the Hindu concept of “Brahman,” which represents the ultimate reality and source of existence. As per Hindu scriptures, Brahma emerged from a lotus flower growing from Lord Vishnu’s navel, which embodies preservation and protection.

Brahma’s spouse, the goddess Saraswati, is the deity of knowledge, music, and the arts. Together, they symbolize the significance of creation and knowledge in Hinduism. Lord Brahma is also associated with the Vedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures, and is regarded as the source of all knowledge and wisdom.

Despite being the creator of the universe, Lord Brahma is not widely worshipped in Hinduism due to a myth that states that Brahma became arrogant and attempted to equate himself with the supreme deity, resulting in Lord Vishnu cutting one of his heads and cursing him never to be worshipped. Despite this, Brahma remains a crucial part of Hindu mythology and is often invoked in Hindu rituals and prayers. He is also the subject of many Hindu tales and poems that showcase his wisdom, knowledge, and creative powers.

In conclusion, Lord Brahma is a crucial figure in Hinduism and represents the source of all creation and knowledge. Although he may not be widely worshipped, he continues to hold a significant place in Hindu mythology and is revered for his creative abilities and wisdom.



Snehashish Patra

Love is what you believe is you. You cannot change the people around you but, you can change the people around you!!!